Real time


E-Field Mill
Lightning Radar
Real time
Lightning statistics


On this page you can follow the evolution of the thunderstorms in the areas of Rome and Scandriglia.
I use this page to track the lightning, their approach to the two areas and the consequent change of electric field.
At the bottom of the page you can see the products of the weather radar (X band) installed in Rome by the Himet company


TOA Network RDF stand-alone receiver

( click here if your browser doesn't support flash )
Controls usage
[Loop] Run/Stop 24 hour replay
[No Diff] Toggle differentiated strike plot on/off
[Reload] Toggle automatic data reload timer on/off
[<<][>>] Loop speed control
[No IC] Toggle plotting of Intra-cloud strokes on/off
[Reset] Reset loop or Show latest data

Move mouse pointer over map and click on framed areas to zoom in/out

I have to thank the Astrogenic Systems for their software: StormVue NGX

Home | E-Field Mill | Lightning Radar | Real time | Lightning statistics

Ultimo aggiornamento:  29-09-13